Ayame spike 多角形フレーム 反射少ないマルチコートレンズ 度なし眼鏡 アヤメ FreeshippingIconBuynowIconEasyPaymentIcon


  • 商品新舊沒有明顯的傷痕或髒汙
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  • 可否退貨不可
  • 開始時間2025-03-27 20:28:42 (台灣時間)
  • 最高出價者d*d*e*** / 評價:370
  • 結束時間2025-03-27 21:12:30 (台灣時間)
  • 起標價格

    14260 円
  • 自動延長
  • 拍賣編號b1172257772
  • 請注意︰差評內容是否有買家說商品瑕疵甚至商品不符及仿品等不良紀錄。

この「ayame SPIKE」メガネは、クラシカルな雰囲気とモダンなデザインを融合させた一本。べっ甲風のフレームが上品で落ち着いた印象を与えつつ、しっかりとしたラウンドシェイプが顔立ちを引き締めるアクセントになっています。




Color: Brown Tone
The lenses are multi-coated and non-prescription.
There are signs of use, but no major damage.

ayame SPIKE Eyeglasses

A perfect blend of classic charm and modern design, the ayame SPIKE eyeglasses feature a sophisticated tortoiseshell-style frame, giving off a refined and composed look. The well-structured round shape adds an accent that sharpens facial features.

The moderate thickness of the frame makes it versatile, suiting both casual and formal styles. Crafted from high-quality acetate, it is lightweight yet highly durable, ensuring comfortable wear. As a Made-in-Japan product, the fine craftsmanship is evident in the meticulous details, including the diamond-shaped rivets on the front, which add a stylish touch.

With its unique yet sophisticated design, this pair is perfect for those who appreciate vintage aesthetics and classic fashion. If you’re looking for eyewear with character and elegance, this is an excellent choice.

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目前出價 1,000

約台幣 235

剩餘 1 日 3 時

目前出價 1,000

約台幣 235

剩餘 1 日 3 時

目前出價 68,000

約台幣 15,974

剩餘 3 時 46 分

目前出價 42,900

約台幣 10,078

剩餘 3 時 48 分

目前出價 17,800

約台幣 4,182

剩餘 3 時 5 秒

目前出價 17,800

約台幣 4,182

剩餘 2 時 48 分