洋書 Sepia Dreams サミュエル・L・ジャクソン/ゴードン・パークス/リナ・ホーン/karl kani/タイラ・バンクス/russell simmons ほか BuynowIconEasyPaymentIcon


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  • 開始時間2025-03-22 10:03:24 (台灣時間)
  • 最高出價者
  • 結束時間2025-03-23 21:03:23 (台灣時間)
  • 起標價格

    2980 円
  • 自動延長
  • 拍賣編號e214313246

即決 Sepia Dreams: A Celebration of Black Achievement Through Words and Images

Sepia Dreams is a collection of wise words from and beautiful images of fifty black celebrities from the worlds of entertainment, art, sports, and more. Speaking candidly about the motivations and qualities they believe have made and kept them successful, each celebrity interview takes the form of a lesson-one that is useful in our daily lives, one that shows us that dreams can come true, including: * Samuel L. Jackson discusses ENDURANCE " I was very fortunate that fame didn't come until I'd learned to do a whole lot of different things. The work is what makes me happy. It never occurred to me to quit. From early on, it was instilled in me that it was about the work and not the result of the work." * Gordon Parks expresses FEARLESSNESS "People could do many things if they just tried, but they're afraid. I have always had a great desire and curiosity about the world and what you can accomplish in it. At times, I have been afraid, but I have never allowed fear to stand in my way." * Lena Horne tells of living with DIGNITY "Dignity is something that no one can take away from you. They may try-honey, they will try-but you don't have to let them." * Susan Taylor talks about BALANCE "When your emotional life is in balance, everything else works. I see myself as a student of my own life. I'm always reaching for something more." Sepia Dreams showcases Matthew Jordan Smith's extraordinary talent, and his moving photographs stand on their own as striking works of art. Intuitive and enriching, practical and encouraging, as well as visually stunning, this book inspires and guides anyone who has ever had a dream to pursue it.  









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